Categories: Diabetes Basics

5 Things Diabetes Patients Should Keep In Mind While Going Out To Vote


Millions of Indians are rushing to the polls to exercise their long-cherished right to vote. Standing in a long, slow-moving queue can be frustrating and increase one’s risk of health-related issues. However, during the electoral hustle and bustle of election season, it is critical to ensure that every person may participate in the political process safely and confidently. Also, individuals dealing with diabetes management problems must exercise particular caution and preparedness before voting. In the article, let’s explore some of the precautions for diabetics while voting.

Also read: 1 Crore People Have Diabetes, This Election Vote For Health, Vote For Yourself

Tips To Consider For Voting With Diabetes

If you are suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, then you must follow these tips. Here are some important tips to consider for voting with diabetes.

Stay Hydrated

Water and fluid intake are essential, especially in the summer when temperatures increase. Individuals with diabetes should bring water with them to stay hydrated while waiting in line or at the polling location. Keep in mind to choose plain water or sugar-free beverages to avoid unwanted blood sugar rises.

Monitor Blood Sugar Levels

Check your blood sugar levels with the BeatO CURV Glucometer before leaving the house. Keep track of them throughout the day, especially if you have any hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic symptoms. Carry your glucose monitoring device, test strips, and any essential medications with you in case of sudden blood sugar spikes.

Also read: A Comprehensive Guide On How to Control Diabetes

Plan Ahead

Individuals with diabetes need to take precautions while voting, but before that, they need to reduce stress, hurry, and plan their voting trip ahead of time. Consider transportation, parking, and the optimum time of day to visit the polling place to minimise wait periods.

Pack Snacks

Long queues and lengthy wait times at polling booths are not uncommon, and diabetes patients need to be ready for swings in blood sugar. Moreover, to keep blood sugar levels consistent throughout the voting process, pack diabetes-friendly snacks such as almonds, seeds, whole fruits like apples or berries, or low-carb energy bars.

Follow Medical Advice

It is essential to follow medical advice to maintain optimal blood sugar management, as well as your usual medication schedule and dietary advice. In addition, follow your healthcare provider’s diabetes management advice, particularly during times of increased activity or stress, such as election day.

Also read: Travelling with Diabetes: 5 Tips for Using a Glucometer on the Go

In The End

Individuals with diabetes can participate in the election process safely and smoothly this summer if they take precautions for diabetics while voting and prepare beforehand. Keep in mind that voting is both a right and a responsibility, and with proper planning, everyone can have their opinions heard while prioritising their health and well-being.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is compiled information from generic and public sources. It is in no way a substitute, suggestion, or advice for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. BeatoApp does not claim responsibility for this information.

Throw out your non-verified glucometer and try the BeatO clinically approved smart glucometer kit. Check your blood sugar level instantly. Try out the BeatO diabetes care program for a more organized healthcare routine. 

Looking for a seasoned diabetologist? Choose Dr. Navneet Agarwal, an expert with 25+ years of experience. His specialisation in diabetology and obesity management provides personalised care. Elevate your health with a doctor’s recommended glucometer, buy now.

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Tags: diabetes
Anuja Koul

A passionate, creative writer and researcher. I found that writing allowed me to express myself in ways that I couldn't have otherwise. I have tried my hands on different writing genres, but I ultimately discovered that healthcare and wellness are my areas of expertise.