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Discover The Basics: Simple Yoga Poses For Beginners

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yoga poses for beginners

After finally deciding to practice yoga the next step is to begin with some basic and easy postures. As beginners, we occasionally have an excitement-driven tendency to perform some challenging poses, but these need significant strength and training, and if done incorrectly, can lead to injury. To explore yoga safely and effectively, beginners must first lay a solid foundation.

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For those who are new to yoga, basic poses are a great way to build a foundation because they are a gentle introduction to the practice with lots of health advantages. It will benefit you not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually.

Here we’ll introduce you to a variety of yoga poses for beginners that are suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.

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6 Simple Yoga Poses for Beginners

List of 6 simple yet efficient yoga poses for beginners to practice daily:

1. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)


Trikonasana, also known as Triangle Pose, is one of the most basic yoga poses for beginners that is commonly practised in various styles of yoga, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Iyengar. The name “Trikonasana” is derived from two Sanskrit words: “trikona,” meaning triangle, and “asana,” meaning posture or pose.

Benefits of Trikonasana:

  • Trikonasana helps to increase lower body flexibility and mobility by stretching the inner thighs, hamstrings, calves, and hips.
  • Trikonasana’s outstretched arms combat the negative consequences of sitting for extended periods and bad posture by opening the shoulders and chest.

Steps to do Trikonasana Properly:

  • Stand with both your feet apart, left foot turned out to be 90 degrees and the right foot at 45 degrees.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms facing down, parallel to the ground.
  • The right hand’s fingertips should be extended towards the ceiling while the left hand should remain on the ground or rest on the left leg above or below the knee. Lift your eyes to the ceiling.
  • Take a few deep breaths to hold the pose, then exhale as you bring yourself back to standing.
  • Change your foot positions and repeat on the other side.

Also Read: Cultivating Balance: Exploring Trikonasana Benefits And Proper Technique To Do It!

2. Sukhasana


The name itself suggests that Sukhasana, sometimes called Easy Pose or Comfortable Pose, is a fundamental seated yoga pose that is frequently used for breathing exercises and meditation. This is one of the easiest yoga poses for beginners and one should practice this one regularly.

Benefits of Sukhasana:

  • The practice of Sukhasana Yoga can release tension from the body, soothe frantic nerves, and open up the hips and groins, which can contribute to a more balanced and quiet state of mind, thus aiding in reducing stress and anxiety levels.
  • One of the primary Sukhasana benefits is, it helps to reduce gas-related issues and indigestion problems.

Steps to do Sukhasana Properly:

  • Position a mat on the ground and sit at the edge.
  • Place one leg in front of the other so that your knees are apart and each foot is under the opposite knee.
  • Keep your hips level, making sure the front and back of your pelvis are the same distance from the ground.
  • Stretch your lower back down and pull your shoulders back to make your upper body taller. Rest your hands together in your lap or lay them on your knees.
  • Stay in this pose for as long as you’re comfortable, but remember to switch the way your legs are crossed from time to time to balance it out.

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3. Tadasana


This position is also regarded as the “mother of all yoga poses.” Numerous different stances that call for awareness and balance are built on this two-footed posture. The yoga poses for beginners known as Tadasana, or Mountain Pose, call for standing tall with your feet together, your arms at your sides, and your spine extended.

Benefits of Tadasana:

  • Tadasana helps to straighten your spine, which can make your position better.
  • This standing pose works out your legs, tummy, and back muscles, making you stronger and more stable.
  • Tadasana also helps you get better at knowing where your body is in space, which means you’ll have better balance and move more smoothly.

Steps to do Tadasana Properly:

  • Stand with your big toes almost touching, and your heels a little bit apart. Check that your second toes are lined up straight next to each other.
  • Push down into the ground with the big toe side, the little toe side, and both sides of your heels. Feel how doing this makes your whole leg muscles work and stay strong.
  • Breathe in deeply and lift your shoulders, then roll them back and let them drop down. Your shoulder blades should come closer together, and your neck should feel stretched up tall.
  • Stay like this and breathe deeply a few times.

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4. Uttanasana


Uttanasana, a yoga pose that is also called Standing Forward Bend Intense Stretch Pose, or simple yoga pose for beginners, is bending forward from a standing posture to bring the torso as near to the legs as possible.

Benefits of Uttanasana:

  • Strengthens legs and knees, stretches the spine, hamstrings, and calves, improves flexibility, and strengthens abdominal muscles
  • Aids digestion, eases constipation and bloating, and improves appetite

Steps to do Uttanasana Properly:

  • Start standing up straight with your feet about as far apart as your hips and your arms hanging down by your sides.
  • Take a big breath in and make your back tall and straight.
  • Breathe out and bend forward from your waist, going down slowly.
  • Bend your knees a bit if you need to so your back stays straight.
  • Place your hands on the ground next to your feet, or if you can’t reach them, hold onto your ankles or lower legs, whatever feels okay for you.
  • Stay in this bent-over position and take a few big breaths, filling up the back part of your body with air.
  • When you’re ready to stand up again, tighten your belly muscles and breathe in as you slowly stand up tall again, keeping your back nice and straight.

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5. Malasana


Malasana, a yoga pose that is also referred to as Garland Pose or Yogic Squat, is a squat in which the hips descend towards the floor as the feet are brought together and the heels are grounded. It is regarded as one of the simple yoga poses for beginners as it requires very little effort.

Benefits of Malasana:

  • Malasana is a great pose to open and extend the inner thighs, groin, and hips. Frequent exercise can aid in improving hip mobility and flexibility.
  • Malasana promotes good alignment and releases stress in the spine, which can help relieve pain and tension in the lower back.

Steps to do Malasana Properly:

  • Stand on your mat with your feet set apart about the same width as your hips.
  • Then, bend your knees and drop your bottom down like you’re going to sit on a low chair, getting into a crouching position.
  • Put your hands together like you’re praying and place them in front of your chest, pushing your elbows against your knees to spread them apart a little.
  • Make sure your heels stay on the floor and keep your back nice and long.
  • Stay in this position for a few deep breaths, feeling your hips and the inside of your thighs stretch out.

6. Vrksasana


The standing yoga pose known as Vrksasana, or Tree Pose, is balanced on one leg while the other foot is pressed against the inner thigh. The arms are stretched outward or overhead in the prayer position.

Benefits of Vrksasana:

  • It makes your core, legs, bottom, and back muscles stronger and helps you stand and sit straighter, which is good if you sit down a lot.
  • Makes you feel calm and relaxed.
  • It gives your whole body a good stretch which helps you move better and keep going for longer.
  • If you have sharp pain in your leg from your nerves, Vrksasana might help

Steps to do Vrksasana Properly:

  • Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).
  • Shift weight to one foot.
  • Bend the other knee and place the foot on the inner thigh or calf of the standing leg.
  • Bring hands to prayer position or raise them overhead.
  • Find a focal point to help with balance.
  • Hold the pose while breathing steadily.
  • Release and switch sides.

Also Read: Ardha Chakrasana Benefits: The Key To Overall Health And Wellness


Here is a gentle introduction to the transformational potential of yoga through a list of simple yoga poses for beginners. From the stabilizing Mountain Pose to the balanced Tree Pose, every position provides several physical and mental benefits.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is compiled information from generic and public sources. It is in no way a substitute, suggestion, or advice for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. Beato App does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Akhil Taneja

Akhil Taneja

Health & Wellness Connoisseur and Growth Marketing Expert, I am a passionate health enthusiast and an advocate for holistic health. With my expertise in tech and love for helping others achieve optimal well-being, I am delivering insightful content to help readers achieve their health and fitness goals.

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