Follow These Healthy Habits to Control Diabetes
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Follow These Healthy Habits to Control Diabetes

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Healthy habits to control diabetes

“Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.”

As we celebrate 75 years of independence today, let us ponder upon what freedom means to us, both individually and collectively. Freedom can have different meanings to different people. However, for people with diabetes, freedom should mean letting go of unhealthy practices and opting for healthy habits to control diabetes.

This independence day, get Azaadifrom an unhealthy lifestyle. We know that a 9 to 5 job can leave you feeling monotonous. But if you are in the best of health, your life automatically feels more joyful and productive.

Whether you are diabetic, pre-diabetic, or non-diabetic, you must keep your sugar levels in check. In order to get #DiabetesSeAzaadi, not only diabetics but also non-diabetic people should also follow these practices to live a healthy lifestyle. Check out the list below-

7 Healthy Habits to Control Diabetes and Achieve #DiabetesSeAzaadi

1. Freedom from a Sedentary Lifestyle

Healthy habits to control diabetes- Active lifestyle

Buckle up and follow a fitness regime to keep your weight and vitals in check. Hit the gym, practice Yoga, Zumba, Kick-Boxing, etc., and ensure the proper functioning of all your body’s processes.

2. Freedom from Packaged Foods

Packaged foods are full of preservatives and sometimes added colors. These ready-to-make foods do more harm to your body than good.

A meal is best relished when it is served hot and freshly prepared. You should only consume foods that are fresh and full of essential nutrients.

3. Freedom from Stress


It is important to take care of your emotional well-being as much as your physical well-being. Your stress levels can have a direct impact on your sugar levels. Do more of the things that keep you stress-free. Practice meditation, enjoy a good laugh with your friends, light up an incense stick, listen to calming music, etc. to keep your mind relaxed.

4. Freedom from Canned Beverages

Canned beverages contain a large amount of soda and sugar. Both these ingredients can prove to be detrimental for both diabetic and non-diabetic people alike.

Instead of canned beverages, you should consume fresh juices, infused water, and herbal teas. Herbal teas are also known to have a calming effect on you and are good for your overall health.

5. Freedom from Irregular Eating Habits

Timely Meals

You should avoid long gaps between meals. It can result in overeating at the time when you consume your meal. While fasting can lead to low sugar levels, feasting can result in high sugar levels. Eat a light snack like nuts or yogurt after small intervals if you feel hungry.

6. Freedom from an Irregular Sleep Pattern

Good Sleep

Your body needs ample energy to prepare you for the day ahead and therefore, a good night’s sleep is imperative. Getting inadequate sleep can negatively impact your blood sugar levels, especially when you have Type2 Diabetes.

7. Freedom from Unnecessary Medicines


Always consult your doctor for your daily dose of medicines. It would be best if you only took the prescribed medication at the right time and in the correct quantity. The same applies to your insulin dosage. One should not tamper with medicines as they can seriously impact your health.

Read More: Diabetes Reversal: All You Need to Know

Health is indeed the biggest wealth, and you should make sure that you keep all your vitals in check. Keep following the above-listed practices and enjoy freedom like never before. Monitor your sugar levels with the help of a glucometer on a regular basis and take the required steps to stay happy and healthy.

Consult BeatO’s health coach for free and control your diabetes. Download the BeatO app!
Check your blood sugar level with Beato Glucometer today.

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