How to Accurately Use a Glucometer for Blood Glucose Monitoring
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How to Accurately Use a Glucometer for Blood Glucose Monitoring

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According to anINDIA TODAY article, India has 110 million active diabetes patients. If this is not bad enough, WHO states that nearly 25 million are pre-diabetics; people who are at a much higher risk of developing this disease. The latter revelation is quite alarming, and the reasons for this unusually high number are several lifestyle factors, including stress, sedate life, and unhealthy sleeping and food habits.

What is disturbing is that 50% of pre-diabetic individuals are not even aware of their “high risk” diabetes status, which includes men and women. This is where a glucometer can be a lifesaver and a game changer in addressing/neutralising serious illnesses arising from high blood sugar levels. This includes heart attack, stroke, nerve and kidney-related problems.

Introduction To Glucometers And Blood Glucose Monitoring

Glucometers are compact, battery-operated (mostly), and easy-to-use medical devices that let you measure blood sugar (glucose levels) in your body. Monitoring blood glucose with these devices is very simple and hassle-free. Even the learning curve is super flat. Although the glucometer price varies, depending on features and brand, it is quite affordable.

Choosing The Right Glucometer For Your Needs

Blood sugar glucose monitors come with different specs and features. Some of the characteristics you must consider are—display/screen size, number of free test strips, and ease of handling the buttons. If you are buying for a visually impaired person, opting for a glucometer machine with an audio feature can be a significant advantage.

Understanding The Importance Of Accurate Blood Glucose Monitoring

The importance of accurate blood glucose monitoring is irrefutable, and it can help people with diabetes narrow down the foods that trigger spikes in blood sugar levels. If monitored in a disciplined way, it not only helps manage the right blood glucose ratio but also helps the doctor prescribe the right medicine and dosage. Accurate monitoring with the help of a sugar test machine for all common types of diabetes helps prevent and even push back complications resulting from it.

Preparing For Blood Glucose Testing

At the very outset, you need to understand that there are three distinct types of diabetes –

  1. Type 1 – This form of diabetes is directly associated with insulin deficiency, typically caused by autoimmune disease.
  2. Type 2 – Around 90% of diabetic patients have a type 2 variant. It is caused due to bad lifestyle habits.
  3. Type 3 or Gestational Diabetes – This form of diabetes affects certain pregnant women who develop insulin resistance during pregnancy.

The number of times you need to check your blood glucose levels with a sugar testing machine depends on the type of diabetes you have. This could be twice a day to four or even more times. On the brighter side, if you manage your glucose levels through non-insulin medication/avenues and know the reason(s) for the spike, you can reduce it to just a single test per day.

A step-by-step guide to using a glucometer for blood glucose testing –

  1. Wash your hands, especially your fingers.
  2. Insert the enclosed test strip in the machine/device.
  3. Prick your finger and draw a single drop of blood.
  4. Transfer it to the test strip edge.
  5. Wipe the extra blood and area around the finger with an antiseptic solution.
  6. Let the device measure your reading.

Interpreting And Recording Blood Glucose Readings

Interpreting or decoding blood glucose reading in a glucometer machine depends on several parameters such as—age, gender, types of diabetes, duration/period and the number of associated illnesses. Your doctor or healthcare team can offer a better perspective.

Nonetheless, the general rule of thumb is source

  • Healthy blood glucose reading (fasting) – Between 70 and 100 mg/dL
  • Healthy blood glucose reading (non-fasting / postprandial) – Under 125 mg/dL

Most of the time, diabetes symptoms are either ignored or considered irrelevant. In such a scenario, having a glucometer handy at home is a good idea. Random checks can offer surprising results and thereby prevent health catastrophes.

Disclaimer :

It is crucial to monitor your blood sugar levels using a smartphone-connected glucometer on a regular basis. If you feel doubtful about whether or not you should consume a particular item, you should do a quick sugar check before and after you consume it.

Being a person with diabetes, you can enjoy your favourite treats by making sure that you keep the portion size in check. Overindulging can lead to a spike in your sugar levels. It’s important to discuss with your physician how a food item can affect your blood glucose levels. If you have any doubts about what you can include as a part of your diabetes diet, you should always speak to your doctor or health coach.

Consult BeatO’s health coach for free and control your diabetes. Download the BeatO app!
Check your blood sugar level with Beato Glucometer today.

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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