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Low Blood Sugar Levels: Do’s And Don’ts For Your Busy Routine

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There is no set time at which you experience low blood sugar levels in your daily life. A condition caused by very low sugar levels or hypoglycemia is a type of diabetic condition where the blood sugar levels are at 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or 3.9 millimoles per litre (mmol/L) or below. Low blood sugar levels require immediate treatment.

Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar Levels

The following are the early signs/ symptoms of Hypoglycemia

  • Nausea
  • Sickness
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Hunger
  • Pale skin

Since hypoglycemia can be dangerous if not treated immediately, we have curated a list of the do’s and don’ts for managing low blood sugar levels.

Do’s for Low Blood Sugar Levels

Keep some carbohydrates at hand

Nearly anyone can experience hypoglycemia at any time. Hence, it becomes important to stay prepared. It is advisable to keep something that is sweet orhas a carbohydratecount of 15 grams. Glucose tablets, fruit juice, candies, or even regular soda could be kept in hand. In fact, you can also keep honey, glucose, or jelly as an alternative.

Rest, Eat, Check

Firstly, if you experience low blood sugar levels, sit and rest for a while. Eat something with carbs and wait for 10 -15 minutes. Check your glucose levels thereafter and even then if the reading shows signs of hypoglycemia, take another of carbs and then retest.

Be careful thereafter

There are high chances of experiencing another round of low blood sugar levels, also known as rebound hypoglycemia, after you consume something with carbs. It is therefore recommended to contact your doctor or relative for help.

Call your diabetes educator

If this is not the first time you are experiencing hypoglycemia but on a regular basis or several times a week and really wish to not let this happen again, it is then time to contact your diabetes educator. Your educator can then make changes in your diabetes diet and provide a full diabetes plan.

Wear a medical ID

The symptoms of hypoglycemia are common with a lot of other health complications andtherefore it is importantto inform people about your condition in order to get the right medication during an emergency. Alternatively, you can keep a note about your condition in your wallet or wear a badge with all the information including medications can be provided.

Carry your glucometer everywhere

As mentioned above, hypoglycemia can occur anytime to anyone. Moreover, since the symptoms of the condition are quite similar to other health complications, it is important to check your sugar levels at the right time to provide the right kind of treatment.

Tell your loved ones in advance about your condition

It is important to let your people know about your condition and inform them about your medications.Moreover, you should pursue them infamiliarizingthe places where you keep your glucose tablets and medications provided by your diabetes educator. In fact, it is recommended to inform your family or friends in advance to prevent any future complications.

Don’t for Low Blood Sugar Levels

Ignore the warning signs

Never go easy on the symptoms of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels. The condition needs to be treated immediately. In fact, if you have experienced low blood sugar levels before, it is advised to measure your blood sugar as soon as younotice evenone of the symptoms.

 Ignore a low blood sugar level reading

Even if you don’t notice any signs of hypoglycemia but after monitoring your sugar level see a drop in your reading, please note you are experiencing low blood sugar levels. It is important to then do something about it and treat it.

Opt for protein over carbs

Although protein is good for a lot of things, never opt for protein over carbs during a case ofHypoglycemia. In fact, opting for good carbs in such a case is equally important. Avoid sweet treats such as ice cream for later and instead go for fast-acting glucose sources such as glucose tablets or juices.


Asmentioned above, the chances of experiencing rebound hypoglycemia after low-blood sugar levels are high. Hence, going behind the wheels will not be a great idea. Check your levels and only drive if they are in the normal range.


Three glucose tablets would constitute 15 grams of carbohydrate. Since it is difficult to understand the limit of intake during hypoglycemia, it is advisable to reduce the amount you eat. Do not opt for overcorrecting the situation by overeating and causing blood sugar to rise.

Sleep without checking sugar levels

Knowing your blood sugar before sleeping and taking necessary steps involved can reduce the risk of hypoglycemia at night. For kids, it is recommended tocheck your sugar levelsafter talking to your educator and figure out what works best for them.

Strenuous activity

Do not indulge in any kind of physical activity right after experiencing hypoglycemia. In a condition where the body has low blood sugar levels, using more glucose will only worsen the situation. In fact, it is advised to not participate in any strenuous activity until 24 to 48 hours of experiencing a drop in sugar levels.

Experiencing hypoglycemia can cause anxiousness since it can be extremely dangerous if left untreated. However, with advance planning and preparation, anybody can be sufficient to manage low blood sugar episodes effectively and efficiently.

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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