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Reversing Diabetes – Your Guide to a Healthier Tomorrow

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Diabetes is just like any other ailment. And yes, it can be reversed/controlled with the right mindset, dedicated medical support, diet, and regular exercise. Some of the most admired and revered personalities/celebrities have come out in the open and revealed their diabetes status without inhibitions and how they overcame this upheaval through a diabetes control program. Remember, if they can defeat diabetes, then even you can.

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Read on to learn how you can achieve this goal.

As a person with diabetes, you need to understand that diabetes reversal typically means remission. You are simply lowering your blood sugar levels to that of a pre-diabetes range or an average person. People with prediabetes can completely overcome this medical upheaval permanently; however, people with Type 2 diabetes can only manage to get off the medicines through diabetes control regimes, which include diet and exercise routines. On the other hand, people with Type-1 diabetes can benefit from this program in the form of reduced medications/insulin intake.

Demystifying Diabetes Reversal – What Is It and Is It Possible?

Before demystifying diabetes reversal, let us first understand the reason for this medical condition. The answer is reduced production of insulin or insulin resistance; therefore, it is important to reverse insulin resistance. As mentioned earlier, diabetes can be pushed into remission through a series of regimes, which includes dedicated and targeted diet control, exercise, and lifestyle changes. The rule of thumb is really simple. As long as you continue to follow these routines, you can move your diabetes status to the pre-diabetes range or normal range. More importantly, you will be free from medications.

What about people with Type-1 diabetes?

Of course, individuals belonging to this category also benefit in the form of reduced insulin intake, reduced dosage, and reduced long-term collateral medical issues. Once diabetes is reversed completely or brought under control, it infuses a sense of emotional and psychological well-being, too.

Dietary Strategies for Diabetes Reversal – The Role of Nutrition

Studies have proved that weight loss positively affects your blood sugar levels. Your diabetes educator/dietician will prepare a plan to help you lose weight (reduced BMI) and reverse your pre-diabetes / diabetes status. Most dietary techniques revolve around a single mantra—reduced carbs and reduced calories, and one of the most popular options is the Mediterranean Diet. However, there are dozens of diet options apart from this. You must understand that your dietician’s plan is specific to your medical profile (Diabetes + BMI). You should also know that you cannot achieve your glycemic goals overnight. This requires dedication and perseverance.

Exercise and Physical Activity – Keys to Reversing Diabetes

Apart from diet and lifestyle changes, your healthcare supervisor/doctor will also recommend exercise or rigorous physical activities. Remember, diet alone will not suffice. The idea is to reverse diabetes through a multi-prong strategy, and this includes regular workouts too. Some of the recent studies have revealed amazing facts. It has been found that even 5% weight loss results in an impressive drop in blood glucose levels. This is good news for people with pre-diabetes and type-2 diabetes. This does not mean that people with type-1 diabetes do not benefit from this approach. What they achieve is –

  • Reduced consumption of medications/insulin.
  • Reduced risk of long-term complications.
  • Reduced co-morbidities.
  • Reduced emotional and psychological stress.

Lifestyle Changes for Stress Reduction – Managing Diabetes Naturally

Apart from junk food and lack of physical activity, bad lifestyle habits also contribute to high blood sugar levels and uncontrolled type-2 diabetes. Lifestyle changes include a range of disruptions. Disciplined eating and sleeping habits and keeping away or cutting down on smoking and alcohol consumption are some changes that can immensely help control diabetes. Not many realise that bad lifestyle choices also lead to stress, which is directly responsible for blood sugar spikes in people with diabetes. Stress is also one of the contributing factors for people who do not have diabetes but are heading towards this upheaval.

How Can You Reduce Stress?

Give yourself frequent breaks from work, social media, and business-related troubles. Indulge in activities that offer joy. These could be listening to music, gardening, cycling, art, long drives, and even leisure travel. The idea is to find an activity that works for you.

Non-dedicated activities such as climbing the stairs instead of using the elevator, walking short distances instead of hailing a cab/car, and fetching things in the office/home instead of asking someone else are some ways to keep your body moving. Your diabetes control program will provide more options and avenues.

Success Stories – Real People Who Reversed Their Diabetes

Due to the very nature of diabetes, affected people tend to feel low, demoralised, and lack the will to fight back. In such a scenario, inspiring stories of people, especially popular names, who have managed to overcome this illness can make a big difference. Check out the story of two famous Hollywood stars who managed to reverse diabetes through sheer dedication.

Tom Hanks –

The superstar of Hollywood has been open about being with diabetes at one point. In his interview, he talks about how he ignored his pre-diabetes diagnosis, which eventually turned him into having Type 2 Diabetes. He blamed it on his bad lifestyle habits and genetics. He also mentions that initially, like all people with diabetes, he felt hopeless but gradually adopted various changes, including food habits/choices and doing regular workouts apart from enrolling in a diabetes control program. Today, Tom Hanks is free from diabetes and medication.

Drew Carey –

An American comedian, actor, and game show host, Drew Carey, warns people that diabetes is a severe medical issue and shouldn’t be taken lightly. In one of his interviews, he said that he reversed diabetes through weight loss, and the strategies that he adopted were a carb-free diet and exercise. This included giving up foods such as pasta, crackers, and bread. He goes on to say that he also included 45-minute cardio sessions as a part of his lifestyle changes.

Read More: The Impact of Sleep On Diabetes Reversal


Is it possible to reverse insulin resistance / type-2 diabetes? The short answer is yes, and the long answer is that it can only be pushed into remission. So, what does this mean? It means you must continue to live with the newly adopted diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes even after controlling your blood sugar levels. Any lapse may disrupt your health status and nudge you back into the diabetes category. Monitoring your blood glucose levels regularly with a glucometer and occasionally undertaking a lab test (haemoglobin A1C or HbA1c) is a good idea.

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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