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How Does a Glucometer Function?

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Test strip- Blood Glucose readings for diabetics

Living with diabetes demands constant monitoring of blood sugar levels, and it is for this reason that glucometers have been in use to assess normal blood sugar levels given the ease and convenience of their use and readings. Keep track of your blood sugar levels by using aglucometer from the comfort of your home or office and enjoy a healthy life with diabetes. Glucometer functions vary from model to model however, the main goal is to provide you with accurate blood glucose readings.

Understanding Glucometer Function

In order to understand the functioning of a glucometer to measure blood sugar levels, let us understand the parts it involves and how they function to give us readings around the normal blood sugar level:

Blood Sampling: For monitoring glucose levels, a blood sample is obtained with help of a lancet from the finger. Most electronic glucose monitors nowadays require one micro-liter of blood; therefore, the same volume is derived for sampling.

Glucometer Test Strips Action: The test strip contains an enzyme for the oxidation of glucose to gluconolactone. The oxidation reaction transfers electrons to another indicator compound, leading to the creation of an electrical current.

Besides reflecting sugar levels in digital form as accurately as possible, new generation glucose monitors also have other capabilities such as wireless communication, memory and sophisticated data management software for tracking glucose concentrations for longer durations.

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glucometer function

Important Factors for Using Glucometer

While using the glucometer, the following factors must be kept in mind in order to ensure your readings are not misread and misinterpreted.

  • The readings taken by the glucometer are accurate, but only to the extent of its monitoring capacity. The accuracy standard for all meters says that glucose meters must show results that are within 20% of a laboratory standard.
  • The test strips must be used carefully and not repeated after a single use. These strips have blood-sensitive patches which are prone to infections after a single use. Glucometer strips online are available for ready purchase.
  • The lancet must be stored hygienically and the needle used for pricking must be disposed of after every use as it attracts infections if used repeatedly.

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Benefits of Using Glucometers

  • Regular glucose monitoring is the most significant way of tracking your blood sugar control and maintaining a healthy balance.
  • Glucometer machine helps in convenient sugar level monitoring from the comfort of home, office or even while on the go.
  • Glucometer machine readings are stored in the device for referring at a later stage while consulting the doctor.
  • When it’s time to make important decisions about medication dosage, exercise, and diet, knowing your blood glucose levels will help you, your doctor, and the rest of your healthcare team.

Read More: How to Use a Glucometer? Monitor Your Sugar Levels at Home!

Regular Blood Glucose Levels Monitoring using Best Glucometer

In order to live a healthy, happy and stress-free life with diabetes, it is important to undertake regular sugar tests and assess the readings regularly and keep a record of the sugar level patterns. This helps in making necessary changes in the diet and lifestyle as prescribed by the doctor. You can simply buy the best glucometer online after checking the price of the glucometer.

Throw out your non-verified glucometer and try the BeatO clinically approved smartglucometerkit. Check your blood sugar level instantly. Try out the BeatO diabetes care programfor a more organized healthcare routine.

Looking for a seasoned diabetologist? ChooseDr. Navneet Agarwal, an expert with 25+ years of experience. His specialisation in diabetology and obesity management provides personalised care. Elevate your health with a doctor’s recommendedglucometer, buy now.

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Shahana Khatoon

Shahana Khatoon

Shahana is a Senior Content Writer at BeatO and talks about Health. She's one of those women who feels too much and hence try to express all of it through her writings.

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