Effective Meal Planning: 5 Ways To Control Your Portion Size
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Effective Meal Planning: 5 Ways To Control Your Portion Size

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meal planning

Effective meal planning and portion control for diabetes is considered as one of the best hacks for adhering to a healthy way of life. Having balanced nutrition for diabetes and paying attention to meal planning and portion control serves as a key strategy to keep diabetes under control.

When we talk about meal planning for diabetes and portion sizes, every person is different and has different dietary requirements. As per National Nutrition Week (2019), through a study conducted by researchers, it was held that a lot of plant-based foods help lower blood sugar levels. Thus, prevents any further complications caused by Diabetes.

meal planning
  • Using your plate as a portion guide

The plate method is a simple, visual way to make sure you get enough non-starchy vegetables and protein intake, and limit the amount of higher carbohydrates that have the greatest potential to spike blood sugar.

meal planning
  • Always read food labels for calories and serving sizes

It is of utmost importance to read food labels off food packets to measure the portion sizes accurately. Many times, the serving sizes on the food label are more than one serving size. It is extremely necessary to calculate the accurate serving size being eaten.

  • Plate sizes you eat in

It is quite evidentiary that the plate you use for meals plays a major influence unconsciously on your portion intake. Swapping the usual plate for a smaller alternative can help in reducing portion intake and avoid overeating.

food journal
  • Always keep a food journal to administrate food portions and blood glucose

Recording daily food intake and blood glucose levels give you a better understanding of how food affects your glucose levels. For a person with diabetes trying to lose weight, documenting food intake every day helps.

  • Always snack in between meals

Snacking during the day always helps in maintaining blood sugar levels. Furthermore, snacking in accurate portion sizes during the day helps in satisfying hunger as well.

Read More: Diet Tips for Diabetes

Based on the tips above, you now have a simple and flexible guide for meal planning for your diabetes and portion control. With these tips, now count your calories hassle-free.

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Shahana Khatoon

Shahana Khatoon

Shahana is a Senior Content Writer at BeatO and talks about Health. She's one of those women who feels too much and hence try to express all of it through her writings.

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