Benefits of Makhana for Diabetes Patients - Diabetes Blog
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Benefits of Makhana for Diabetes Patients

Makhana for diabetes

Makhana also known as fox nuts or lotus seeds, comes from a plant called Euryale Fox, which grows in stagnant water or ponds in Eastern Asia. They have been a part of Chinese medicine and cuisine for 3000 years and find an important place in Ayurveda as well.

In India, makhana is used from religious ceremonies to fasting dishes, and even to manage your blood sugar levels.

They are popular in the diabetic community because they are low in calories and glycemic index.

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Approximately 50 grams of dry-roasted makhanas have around 180 calories and no saturated fat or sodium. Dry-roasted implies that no grease or oil has been used in roasting the makhanas. Widely used as a snack, Makhana is rich in good carbs and proteins. The glycemic index in makhana is significantly lower than foods like rice, white bread, pasta etc. Moreover, the low sodium and high magnesium content make makhanas beneficial for diabetes and managing obesity.

If eaten in the right quantity and right manner, makhanas can help manage sugar levels.

How to consume?

Makhana seeds can be consumed raw, roasted, or ground. If soaked in water overnight, it can also be added to soups, salads, or other gravy dishes. Puffed makhana seeds are also used in kheer, puddings, and dry roasted snacks.


Benefits of Makhana

Since diabetics are prone to heart disease, makhana is a great snacking option in such cases as well. As makhana is abundant in magnesium, it improves oxygen and blood flow in the body significantly.

It also helps in the proper flow of other nutrients in the body. If you have low magnesium levels, your body becomes more susceptible to heart disease and hence regular consumption of a handful of makhanas daily can dramatically reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases.

Like every other food, even makhana needs to be consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption of makhanas may lead to constipation, bloating, and other gastrointestinal issues.

Read More: High Blood Sugar Signs and Symptoms for Diabetes Patients

If you are a diabetic, it is best to talk to your healthcare provider before you incorporate them into your diabetic diet plan. Get a free consultation now from a diabetes expert.

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Shahana Khatoon

Shahana Khatoon

Shahana is a Senior Content Writer at BeatO and talks about Health. She's one of those women who feels too much and hence try to express all of it through her writings.

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