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Healthy Cooking Techniques For Diabetics

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The age-old debate on foods that control diabetes still continues, but with healthier choices and increasing awareness about the need to manage the diet of a diabetic patient, people are adopting natural ways. For this, you need to know healthy cooking techniques for diabetics.

As part of thediabetic diet, enjoy delicious, healthy meals at home instead of depending on elaborate choices or ingredients available in the market. Begin by changing your cooking oil which contributes majorly to the nutritional value of the food you eat. Here are some healthy cooking techniques-

1.Canola Oil: Canola oil is a plant based oil delivered from the rapeseed plant and is full of Omega 3 fatty acids also found in walnuts. It is also rich in healthy mono-unsaturated fatty acids found in avocados and olives. Studies have recommended canola oil for lowering blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics.

2.Olive Oil: This heart friendly oil is equally beneficial for diabetics too. The tyrosol antioxidant works wonders in improving insulin resistance and diabetes.

3.Flaxseed Oil: The mucilage present in this oil slows down digestion, thereby supporting slow release of sugar into the blood. This helps in reducing insulin resistance in diabetics.

4.Rice Bran Oil: Regarded as one of the healthiest oils for your heart, rice bran oil is rich in antioxidants and mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids that may be beneficial for diabetics too.

Choose Fruits and Veggies wisely-

• Green leafy vegetables are especially healthy for you. Spinach, kale and parsley are rich in vitamins and minerals while being relatively low in carbohydrates.

• Red, yellow and orange vegetables — e.g., bell peppers, squash and carrots — are also high in nutrition while low in carbohydrates.

Fruitsare simple carbohydrates, however, and too many or the wrong kind can quickly raise your blood sugar and also lead to weight gain. Eating the same amount of pineapple and apples can have very different effects. Apples are low on the glycemic index, making your blood glucose rise more slowly. But pineapples being a high-glycemic fruit cause your sugar to increase rapidly.

• Eat fruit when you have a sweet craving.

• Eat at least one vegetable or salad at lunch or dinner.

• Eat a large amount of vegetables. Half your plate should be veggies during each meal.

Meat Tips

• Choose meat like chicken and fish over red meat.

• Eat freshwater fish. Once a week, consume marine fish like salmon, prawns.

• Limit processed foods like ketchups, butter, flavoured nuts etc.

Cook intelligently

• Grill, broil and bake instead of frying.

• Remove the skin prior to cooking chicken.

• Use herbs and spices or lemon juice for seasoning rather than salt.

• Squeeze fresh lemon juice or lime juice on steamed vegetables, broiled fish or salads.

Dairy products that you should have

• Use skimmed and double toned milk; make a diary of healthy eating practises.

• Use two egg whites instead of one whole egg for omelette.

• Keep only whole grain, high fibre cereals and brown rice around.

• Use a small amount of trans fat.

So with diabetes on the rise, take the easier and smarter route with the above mentioned cooking techniques to keep you healthy and your pocket happy. And last but not the least, always keep your blood sugar in check with a glucometer.

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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