Hypoglycemia in Children : Behavioral Changes and Symptoms
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Hypoglycemia in Children: Behavioural Changes and Symptoms

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Children need to be throwing tantrums time and again in order to ensure parents are well aware of their needs and wants. Such episodes of bad behavior, however, have started worrying parents about the well-being of their child. Did you know, behavioural is one of the common symptoms of hypoglycemia in children?

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While dietary deficiencies tend to be responsible for this, fluctuating blood sugar levels have also been linked to mood swings and irritable behaviour among children, especially in the case of type 1 diabetes. Consuming too much sugar or not taking enough food at the right intervals can lead to drastic changes in blood sugar levels and disturb the insulin secretion process from the pancreas.

Low Blood Sugar and Brain

Triggered by skipping meals and binging on sugar-loaded high carb foods, low blood sugars among children lead to disrupted brain functioning too, particularly observed among type 1 diabetes. Brain tissues function with the help of glucose and skipping meals leads to falls in blood sugars due to the absence of food to digest and absorb.

On the other hand, excessive sugars and high carb diets lead to sudden spikes in glucose and energy levels, accompanied by immediate sugar crashes.

Since all body cells utilise glucose to build energy which can be used immediately or even stored for future use, preventing low sugar levelsand maintaining healthy blood glucose levels among diabetes type 1 people is very important to ensure optimum brain functioning.

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Low Sugar

In order to understand the signs of low blood sugar, it is important to know that before the hypoglycemic state sets in, low blood sugar levels symptoms observed among children include:

  • Hunger
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Shakiness

While your child may suffer from all or some of these concerns, he or she may not be able to communicate these openly due to lack of comprehension. Increased pulse rate along with being sweaty and pale are some other indications of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels.

Advanced Behavioral Symptoms or Effects of Hypoglycemia in Children

When the brain is deprived of sufficient glucose, the effects of low blood sugar levels manifest in the form that the behaviour of your child quickly deteriorates. Irritability, bad temper, depression, loss of concentration, sleepiness, and crying easily are some common manifestations of such behavior.

If the child is fond of sugar candy or carb-rich food, these symptoms occur 30 minutes post-hyperactivity, yelling, noise making and aggressiveness.

Solutions and Recommendations for Hypoglycemia in Children

While every child is unique and reacts differently to the treatment, the symptoms of hypoglycemia remain the same. In order to ensure your child is able to maintain balanced sugar levels, ensure he or she takes regular meals with lean proteins, whole grains and lots of fresh veggies.

Also read: Hypoglycemia: What You Should Know?

During snack time, fresh fruits can be given in moderation along with other options of healthy snacking with low glycemic index. For drinks, always prefer water or milk instead of soda pop or sweetened juice.

Help your child feel relaxed and stress-free by taking them to some recreational activity hubs or spending time with them at home. Moreover, it is imperative to keep a strict check on their blood sugar levels using a compact glucometerand to consult the diabetes doctor in case any fluctuations are observed. The glucometer helps monitor sugar levels in the comfort of your home.

Read More: Ideal Blood Glucose Levels in Children with Diabetes

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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