Importance of Sleep for People With Diabetes - Diabetes Blog
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Importance of Sleep for People With Diabetes

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sleep for diabetics

Diabetes is an enormously challenging condition that requires cautious consideration in whatever you do.It is no wonder if sleep usually gets ignored as a priority for something else by diabetics. People are in the habit of getting less sleep these days. They fail to understand the consequences of inadequate sleep. In this blog, learn about the importance of adequate sleep for diabetics. Poor sleep is associated with:

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  • Consumption of more calories. Sleep is known to have a great impact on the hormones that are responsible for appetite regulation, making us eat more when we sleep less.
  • Higher probability of putting on weight.
  • Damaged brain functions. When we take less sleep, this affects our concentration, output, and performance.
  • Low insulin sensitivity and unfavourable effects on your blood glucose levels.
  • Higher chances of depression.

Importance Tips to Follow

Try not to eat anythingfor 3to 4 hours before going tobed

Try to have your last meal in any case 3 to 4 hours before you sleep. This gives ample time for your food digestion, and any rapid-acting insulin to move out of your system, if any.

Fix your sleeping time and wake-up time

A majority of adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep during the night, but most of them are either getting too much sleep or inadequate sleep. Fixing your bedtime and waking up at the fixed time each morning can really help. This will adjust your body clock accordingly and leave you more energized in the mornings.

Read More: Stress Management Tips for Diabetes Caregivers

Form a bedtime routine

Building a bedtime routine helps you in falling asleep more quickly. It is advisable to disconnect yourselves from the devices an hour before going to bed. Dim the lights and you will be asleep in no time.

You are advised to consult your doctor if you are facing constant sleep problems.

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Shahana Khatoon

Shahana Khatoon

Shahana is a Senior Content Writer at BeatO and talks about Health. She's one of those women who feels too much and hence try to express all of it through her writings.

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