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Driving for Diabetes: Safety Tips

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Driving in India can be a great learning experience, especially for amateurs who get to challenge their driving skills every time they hit the Indian roads. While Indian roads surely serve as the most difficult to drive on, moreover, due to increasing volume of traffic, it becomes especially difficult for people with diabetes.

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Driving with Fluctuated Sugar Levels

Observing precautions while on Indian roads is an essential parameter which determines how well planned your diabetes care and diabetes management is.

Even minor fluctuations in normal sugar levels before, during and after a drive can disorient diabetics and cause major health concerns. High or low blood glucose levels can sometimes influence their capability to drive safely. People with diabetes might have developed difficulties such as heart disease or nerve damage, vision problems (retinopathy) which majorly affect their driving ability. Because of this, it is imperative that people know what to do in order to keep themselves, and others, safe while on the road.

Hypoglycemia can be caused by higher than required doses of insulin or certain diabetes tablets. This is the main concern when driving. A low blood glucose level can affect a driver’s ability to react and concentrate while driving. Hypoglycemia can also cause altered sensation or loss of consciousness which could lead to the loss of control of a vehicle. Hyperglycemia can also affect driving ability as it can cause blurred vision, fatigue and decreased concentration.

How can you ensure a safe drive with diabetes?

• If you are on a higher dose of insulin or certain diabetes tablets that put you at risk of hypoglycemia, carry out a quick sugar test of your blood glucose level using a handy glucometer prior to driving, even for short trips.
• If you feel hypoglycemia coming on, immediately pull over, stop the engine, and treat it. Do not attempt to treat the high blood sugar levels while driving. Do not resume driving until you are fully recovered.
• Always carry things like juice, packs of sugar candy or glucose tablets that fit easily into a glove box.
• If you are driving long distances, check your blood glucose before driving and at regular intervals. Plan for regular meal breaks.

To know the various signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia and hyperglycemia, get expert advice from your personalized diabetes educator when you connect with BeatO App and manage your diabetes smartly. BeatO helps you regularly keep a tab on both high blood sugar levels and low blood sugar levels.

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Shahana Khatoon

Shahana Khatoon

Shahana is a Senior Content Writer at BeatO and talks about Health. She's one of those women who feels too much and hence try to express all of it through her writings.

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