Best Indian Breakfast Recipes for Diabetes Patients
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Best Indian Breakfast Recipes for Diabetes Patients

indian breakfast for diabetic patient

As a diabetic patient, you should treat your taste buds too. Breakfast is especially important for diabetics as it helps maintain balanced blood sugar levelsthrough a balanced type 2 diabetes diet. We have the best Indian recipes for diabetic patients in store for you.

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In order to prepare a diet plan for diabetes and simplify the dilemma about what to eat and what not to eat as part of food for diabetes, take a look at the following interesting recipes with high fiber and low glycemic index. These recipes will help you prepare a diet plan for diabetic patients.

Breakfast Recipes for Diabetics

Breakfast Recipes for Diabetics

  1. Flaxseed and Fruit Smoothie: Helping you maintain healthy cholesterol and lowering your blood sugar levels, thishealthy drinkhelps improve fasting blood sugar and lowers your insulin resistance.


1 cup frozen strawberries

½ banana, cut into chunks

2 tbsp flax seed meal

1 cup low-fat soy milk


Puree all the ingredients using a blender. Make a smooth and rich puree.

best breakfast for diabetes

  1. Ragi Uttapam: Helps in digestion as it is rich in fibre and hence aids blood sugar control too. It is a treat to your taste buds and a healthy breakfast dish to kickstart your day.


  • ½ cup Ragi Flour
  • 2 tbsp Rava/ Semolina
  • Grated and chopped vegetables
  • ½ Cup Curd
  • Tempering of curry leaves/ mustard leaves
  • ½ tsp Baking Soda
  • Salt – to taste

To Do

  • Mix all the ingredients (except baking soda and vegetables) to make a smooth batter. Let the mixture rest for 15-20 mins.
  • Add Baking soda to the batter and mix it lightly.
  • Grease a non-stick pan with oil. Spread the batter on the pan in small circles.
  • Spread the vegetables on top of it and cook it properly.
  • Cook from both sides and serve with coconut chutney.

best breakfast for diabetes

  1. Chickpea Pancakes: Chickpeas or chholey as they are called in Hindi, have high amounts of fibre and protein with various vitamins and minerals. It has a low glycemic index.


  • 1 finely chopped green onion
  • ½ cup chickpea flour
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp garlic powder
  • ½ cup water

To Do

  • Whisk together, chickpea flour, salt, baking powder and garlic powder.
  • Add water and whisk until no lumps remain.
  • Stir in the green onion.
  • Take a non-stick pan and set it to medium flame.
  • Pour the batter into small circles. Cook for 5-6 mins on each side, until it is golden brown.

Indian Breakfast Recipes for Diabetes Patients

  1. Vegetable Omelet: This omelet with a twist is not only visually appealing but also has high nutritional values for your diabetic health.


  • 1/2 small onion- chopped
  • 1/2 green bell pepper- chopped
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • ¾ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp pepper
  • 2 tbsp butter

To Do

  • Melt 1 tbsp butter on medium flame on a non-stick pan. Cook the onion and bell peppers for 4-5 mins.
  • Beat the eggs with milk, salt and pepper.
  • Remove the vegetables from the pan and sprinkle a little salt on them and keep them aside.
  • Melt 1 tbsp butter on the pan. Add the egg mixture and cook it for 2 minutes until the eggs begin to set on the pan.
  • Spoon the vegetable mixture in the center of the eggs. Fold one edge of the eggs over the vegetables. Cook for another two minutes for your desired consistency.

best breakfast for diabetes

  1. Methi Missi Roti: Diabetes breakfast with an Indian twist, this roti is made up of the natural favourite for diabetics – methi.


  • 2 cups Gram Flour/ Besan
  • 1 cup Methi leaves
  • 2 green chillies- chopped
  • 1 onion- finely chopped
  • 1 inch ginger- grated
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • ½ tsp pepper
  • Salt- to taste
  • Oil- to cook

 To Do

  • Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and add water to make a firm and smooth dough. Drizzle some oil over it. Let it rest for 15 minutes.
  • Make 10 equal portions of the dough and make small round balls. Roll into small circles to make chapatis.
  • Place the missi roti on a preheated non-stick pan. Cook until the roti is golden brown- crisp from the outside and soft on the inside.
  • Serve it hot with butter.

While eating wrong can prove to be harmful in diabetes, not eating turns out to be even worse. It is recommended to never skip your breakfast. Studies have proven that among diabetics and also the food for diabetics, those who skipped breakfast had a 21 percent higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes and related complications in absence of food to control diabetes.

Even while you enjoy the above mentioned recipes of type 2 diabetes diet or in other words diabetic patient diet, keep in mind to regularly check your blood sugar levels using acompact glucometer. Your readings shown in the glucometer are stored in a diabetes management app.

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Sakshi Poptani

Sakshi Poptani

As a Content strategist, I have a keen eye for storytelling, brand marketing and community management. I have worked across three sectors - hospitality, technology and healthcare. They have evolved me as a writer and helped me bridge the gaps between storytelling and brand management. I have an unwavering aim of reaching out to as many people as I can. I want to enhance the perspective and insights of both my readers and my own self as I tread further in my journey.

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