Chakka Varattiyathu is a traditional Kerala dish cooked from non-ripe jackfruit. If this dish brings back the summer memories of your childhood, then you should definitely try this diabetes-friendly Chakka Varattiyathu recipe.

Ingredients for Chakka Varattiyathu
- Jackfruit (non- ripe, fresh, seed removed flesh only) cut into half inch pieces : 250 grams
- Coconut ( grind) 5 tablespoon
- Green chillies 2/3 nos
- Spring onion 3/4 nos
- Cumin seeds 1 teaspoon
- Garlic. 3/4 dents
- Turmeric 1/4 teaspoon
Grind altogether gentle just to mix it up in a mixer grinder.
- Spring onion (Cut into small pieces): 1 tablespoon
- Curry leaves,water, salt to taste.
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- Cook the jackfruit flesh with a little water, some curry leaves and salt.
- Add the grinded coconut mixture when cooked and stir well.
- Heat a frying pan, add the oil, bring it to boil, then crack mustard seeds, add cut onion, then curry leaves.
- Remove from the fire when onion turns golden brown.
- Add the whole garnish to the cooked jackfruit and stir well.
Serve with fish curry/ chicken/ mango pickle/curd chutney.
(You could preserve the just-cooked jackfruit with salt in the freezer for a year.)
Read More: Jackfruit Flour Recipes for Diabetics
Recipe by: Sosamma Stephen